Baby Teeth
If your child’s baby teeth are starting to erupt and seem to be bothering her, you can
- Rub her gums with your finger
- Rub her gums with the back of a small chilled spoon
If the pain persists, your dentist, pharmacist or doctor may recommend an over-the-counter medicine to ease the pain.
- DO NOT use pain medication that you rub on your child’s gums; she could swallow it.
- DO NOT give her teething cookies. They may contain added or hidden sugar.
- DO NOT underestimate a fever. The eruption of new teeth DOES NOT make babies ill or give them a fever. If your child’s body temperature is going up and down, consult your doctor.
- Maintain a positive attitude throughout the visit and have your child seen by the dentist every 6 months.
What to do after the visit?
- Make sure your child brushes their teeth at least twice a day or after each meal.
- Make sure you floss her teeth once a day.
- Watch your child’s diet and offer foods that are low in sugar.
- Supervise your child’s evening brushing until the age of 10.