After an Implant Surgery
General directives
- In the slightest complication or the problem, communicate with Dr Alain St-Onge at (450) 746-1616 (when the office is opened) or in (514) 217-3707 (when the office is closed).
- Take your medicines such as prescribed.
Preoperative directives
- Rinse your mouth with some salty warm water, 3 times a day during the week preceding the surgery. (1/2 teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water).
- Avoid wearing your false teeth during night and remove them occasionally when your activities allow it.
- Abstain from taking aspirin 10 days before the intervention.
- See in the fact that a responsible person can accompany you the day of the surgery.
Post-operative directives
- Maintain, by a light pressure of jaws, the plug of gauze during 2 hours. Do not spit, nor chew the gauze
- During the 2 hours which follow the operation, abstain from eating and from drinking.
- Do not touch the site of the intervention with fingers or tongue.
- It is normal that the saliva is tinged with blood for day approximately. In case of prolonged bleeding, replace the plug of gauze by a bag of wet tea and apply a light pressure of jaws for another period of 2 hours.
- Do not extend or sleep without placing the head on 2 or 3 pillows.
- Apply a bag of ice surrounded with a wet towel at least 20 minutes at every hour.
- Restrict your food to a cold liquid diet.
- Do not rinse the mouth, nor brush teeth.
- Some “petroleum jelly” will relieve your lips.
The next days…
- After the meals, brush delicately teeth, by excluding the operated place and the stitches.
- DO NOT SMOKE during 2 weeks. This could cause an opening of wounds, and so put in risk the cure of implants.
- To rinse the mouth, use mouth rince with chlorhexidine. In case it does not stay in you there any more, use a mixture of 1/2 teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water.
- A swelling can occur affecting its maximum over a period from 48 to 72 hours after the surgery and will disappear in the next days.
- A discoloration of the skin can occur, it is normal and no treatment is indicated. The whole will be back to normal inside approximately 2 weeks.
- Stitches are absorbable but can be removed 2 weeks after the surgery.
- During the first 2 weeks, the diet has to be soft (purée).
Sinus elevation
- Do not blow yourselves.
- Do not drink liquid by means of a straw.
- Do not fire at your lip to look at stitches.
- If you have to sneeze, make it the opened mouth, this to avoid any useless pressure on sine.
- It is not rare to perceive of girls granules in your mouth in the days following the surgery.
Communicate with Dr Sharif if:
- You feel granules in your nose.
- Your medicines do not remove your discomfort.
- You have questions, mostly a simple explanation will be enough to eliminate anxieties.